Results for 'N. A. Noor'

966 found
  1.  44
    The under-pressure behaviour of mechanical, electronic and optical properties of calcium titanate and its ground state thermoelectric response.N. A. Noor, S. M. Alay-E.-Abbas, M. Hassan, I. Mahmood, Z. A. Alahmed & A. H. Reshak - forthcoming - Philosophical Magazine:1-18.
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    Why We Should Understand Conversational AI as a Tool.Marlies N. van Lingen, Noor A. A. Giesbertz, J. Peter van Tintelen & Karin R. Jongsma - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (5):22-24.
    The introduction of chatGPT illustrates the rapid developments within Conversational Artificial Intelligence (CAI) technologies (Gordijn and Have 2023). Ethical reflection and analysis of CAI are c...
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    Defects and localized states in MBE-grown GaAs1−xNxsolid solutions prepared by molecular-beam epitaxy.A. Y. Polyakov, N. B. Smirnov, A. V. Govorkov, V. T. Bublik, A. E. Botchkarev, James A. Griffin, Daniel K. Johnstone, Todd Steiner & S. Noor Mohammad - 2003 - Philosophical Magazine 83 (21):2531-2544.
  4.  39
    Optical properties of GaAs1−xNxalloys grown by molecular beam epitaxy.J. Alam, A. E. Botchkarev, J. A. Griffin, N. B. Smirnov, A. V. Govorkov, A. Y. Polyakov, J. M. Zavada, A. Christou & S. Noor Mohammad - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (23):3477-3486.
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  5. What information and the extent of information research participants need in informed consent forms: a multi-country survey.Juntra Karbwang, Nut Koonrungsesomboon, Cristina E. Torres, Edlyn B. Jimenez, Gurpreet Kaur, Roli Mathur, Eti N. Sholikhah, Chandanie Wanigatunge, Chih-Shung Wong, Kwanchanok Yimtae, Murnilina Abdul Malek, Liyana Ahamad Fouzi, Aisyah Ali, Beng Z. Chan, Madawa Chandratilake, Shoen C. Chiew, Melvyn Y. C. Chin, Manori Gamage, Irene Gitek, Mohammad Hakimi, Narwani Hussin, Mohd F. A. Jamil, Pavithra Janarsan, Madarina Julia, Suman Kanungo, Panduka Karunanayake, Sattian Kollanthavelu, Kian K. Kong, Bing-Ling Kueh, Ragini Kulkarni, Paul P. Kumaran, Ranjith Kumarasiri, Wei H. Lim, Xin J. Lim, Fatihah Mahmud, Jacinto B. V. Mantaring, Siti M. Md Ali, Nurain Mohd Noor, Kopalasuntharam Muhunthan, Elanngovan Nagandran, Maisarah Noor, Kim H. Ooi, Jebananthy A. Pradeepan, Ahmad H. Sadewa, Nilakshi Samaranayake, Shalini Sri Ranganathan, Wasanthi Subasingha, Sivasangari Subramaniam, Nadirah Sulaiman, Ju F. Tay, Leh H. Teng, Mei M. Tew, Thipaporn Tharavanij, Peter S. K. Tok, Jayanie Weeratna & T. Wibawa - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):1-11.
    Background The use of lengthy, detailed, and complex informed consent forms is of paramount concern in biomedical research as it may not truly promote the rights and interests of research participants. The extent of information in ICFs has been the subject of debates for decades; however, no clear guidance is given. Thus, the objective of this study was to determine the perspectives of research participants about the type and extent of information they need when they are invited to participate in (...)
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  6. Ñān̲ak kaḷañciyam.Karuṇaiyān̲anta Ñān̲apūpati - 1999 - Cen̲n̲ai: Vir̲pan̲ai urimal maṭṭum, Pāri Nilaiyam.
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  7. Atvaita ñān̲amirtam.Irāmmacāmi N̄ānatēcikar - 1966
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  8.  11
    Tinh thần khoa học đạo học: khái niệm con đường văn hóa Việt Nam.Đăng Thục Nguyễn - 1967 - Saigon: Khai-Trí.
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    Việt Nam văn hóa và con người.Đá̆c Hưng Nguyẽ̂n - 2009 - Hà Nội: Nhà xuất bản Chính trị quốc gia.
    History of civilization and human nature of Vietnam.
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  10.  13
    Insānʹshināsī, maʻrifatʹshināsī.Ārvīn Mihrigān - 2006 - Iṣfahān: Nashr-i Fardā.
  11.  49
    Communication and consciousness: A neural network conjecture.N. A. Schmajuk & E. Axelrad - 1995 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 18 (4):695-696.
    The communicative aspects of the contents of consciousness are analyzed in the framework of a neural network model of animal communication. We discuss some issues raised by Gray, such as the control of the contents of consciousness, the adaptive value of consciousness, conscious and unconscious behaviors, and the nature of a model's consciousness.
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    A metalinguistic interpretation of counterfactual conditionals.N. A. Blue - 1981 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 10 (2):179 - 200.
  13.  51
    Our Environmental Value Orientations Influence How We Respond to Climate Change.N. A. Marshall, L. Thiault, A. Beeden, R. Beeden, C. Benham, M. I. Curnock, A. Diedrich, G. G. Gurney, L. Jones, P. A. Marshall, N. Nakamura & P. Pert - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  14. Kr̥ṣṇājī jīvitaṃ.Cikkāla Kr̥ṣṇārāvu - 1992 - Bhīmunipaṭnaṃ, Viśākhajillā: Pratulaku, Cikkāla Kr̥ṣṇārāvu.
    Biography of Jiddu Krishnamurti, 1895-1986, Indian philosopher.
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  15.  18
    Śrīkr̥ṣṇāvadhūtaracitāni Madhvatatvasūtrāṇi svopajñavyākhyāsahitāni. Kr̥ṣṇāvadhūta - 2023 - Beṅgalūru: Śrīviśveśatīrthasaṃśodhanakendram, Karnatakasamskrtavisvavidyalayena "Samsodhanakendram" iti manitam. Edited by Ānandatīrthācārya Vi Nāgasampagi.
    Treatise with auto-commentary on Dvaita philosophy.
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  16.  55
    Islamic Perspectives on CRISPR/Cas9-Mediated Human Germline Gene Editing: A Preliminary Discussion.Noor Munirah Isa, Nurul Atiqah Zulkifli & Saadan Man - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (1):309-323.
    The recent development of CRISPR/Cas9 technology has rekindled the ethical debate concerning human germline modification that has begun decades ago. This inexpensive technology shows tremendous promise in disease prevention strategies, while raising complex ethical concerns about safety and efficacy of the technology, human dignity, tampering with God’s creation, and human genetic enhancement. Germline gene editing may result in heritable changes in the human genome, therefore the question of whether it should be allowed requires deep and careful discussion from various perspectives. (...)
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  17.  74
    Why We Doubt: A Cognitive Account of Our Skeptical Inclinations.N. Ángel Pinillos - 2023 - Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    This book, the first of its kind, puts forward a novel, unified cognitive account of skeptical doubt. Historically, most philosophers have tried to tackle this difficult topic by directly arguing that skeptical doubt is false. But N. Ángel Pinillos does something different. He begins by trying to uncover the hidden mental rule which, for better or worse, motivates our skeptical inclinations. He then gives an account of the broader cognitive purpose of having and applying this rule. Based on these ideas, (...)
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  18.  8
    Scientific text by A. E. Kulakovsky on the etymology of the word “Yakut” as an object of linguistic study.N. A. Sivtseva - forthcoming - Liberal Arts in Russia.
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  19.  5
    Logiko-sintaksicheskie mekhanizmy kodirovanii︠a︡ vozmozhnykh kulʹturnykh smyslov v tekste.N. A. Bozhenkova - 2005 - Moskva: Vysshai︠a︡ shkola.
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  20.  4
    Dukhovno-nravstvennye i ideologicheskie problemy v sovremennom obshchestve: (XVI Agaevskie chtenii︠a︡): sbornik nauchnykh stateĭ.N. A. Sarkarova (ed.) - 2020 - Makhachkala: Alef.
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  21.  12
    Những khía cạnh triết học trong tín ngưỡng thờ cúng tổ tiên của người Việt ở Đồng bằng Bắc bộ hiện nay.Đăng Sinh Trần - 2002 - Hà Nội: Nhà xuất bản Chính trị quốc gia.
    Philosophical aspects of belief and ancestor worship in Southern Vietnam.
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  22. Filosofii︠a︡ religii Marburgskoĭ shkoly neokantianstva.N. A. Lisovenko - 1983 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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  23.  5
    Ot︠s︡enochnai︠a︡ funkt︠s︡ii︠a︡ psikhiki.N. A. Baturin - 1997 - Moskva: Rossiĭskai︠a︡ akademii︠a︡ nauk, In-t psikhologii.
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  24. Analiz leninskogo filosofskogo slovari︠a︡: mezhvuzovskiĭ sbornik.N. A. Benediktov & A. M. Dorozhkin (eds.) - 1988 - Gorʹkiĭ: Gorʹkovskiĭ universitet im. N.I. Lobachevskogo.
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  25.  50
    Egoism as a way out of existential crisis for a person in disability situation.N. A. Mrinskaya - 2020 - Anthropological Measurements of Philosophical Research 17:65-75.
    Purpose of the article is to establish the role of egoism in the life of a person faced with a disability situation, as a moment of self-determination in an existential crisis. I set the task to evaluate the influence of egoism and find out its significance in the prospect of the person’s further existence in the conditions of disability using the philosophical anthropology based on the meta-anthropology principle. Theoretical basis. Based on the fact that the role of egoism is perceived (...)
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  26.  20
    Rebelión en la granja: biopolítica, zootecnia y domesticación.Ávila Gaitán & Iván Darío - 2017 - Bogotá D.C., Colombia: Ediciones Desde Abajo.
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  27.  9
    Idei︠a︡ "velikogo sinteza" v fizike.N. A. Gudkov - 1990 - Kiev: Nauk. dumka.
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  28.  7
    Barʹrasī-i imkān-i tafsīr-i dīnī az falsafah-i Aflāṭūn.Jaʻfarī Amānʹābādī & Sayyid Hādī - 2018 - [Tihrān]: Naqd-i Farhang.
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  29. Velikīi︠a︡ slova zhizni.N. A. Rubakin - 1916
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  30. Plody podsoznanii︠a︡: ocherki ob instinktakh, formirui︠u︡shchikh chelovecheskie konflikty.N. A. Monakhov - 1995 - Moskva: Izd-vo "MIK".
  31. Filosofii︠a︡ istorii v Rossii: XIX vek.N. A. Benediktov (ed.) - 1994 - Nizhniĭ Novgorod: Nizhegorodskiĭ in-t razvitii︠a︡ obrazovanii︠a︡.
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  32.  3
    Russkai︠a︡ idei︠a︡: ocherk razvitii︠a︡ otechestvennoĭ filosofskoĭ mysli: uchebnoe posobie.N. A. Benediktov - 1993 - Nizhniĭ Novgorod: Izd-vo Nizhegorod. univ.. Edited by S. O. Makarychev & E. N. Shatalin.
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  33. Človek a stroj.(Problém sociológie a metafyziky techiky).N. A. Berďajev - forthcoming - Filozofia.
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  34. Bāṃlāẏa binirmāṇa, abinirmāṇa.Anirbāṇa Dāśa (ed.) - 2007 - Kalakātā: Ababhāsa.
    Contributed articles on Jacques Derrida, French philosopher, and his theories of deconstruction and postmoderinsm; includes articles on his perpectives on literature and philosophy.
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  35. Wịrạtị thilạ wịnishsạyạ kyān. Ñāṇa - 1934 - Yan kon: Kạwị Myet hman.
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  36. Tư tưởng Việt-Nam: tư tưởng bình-dân Việt-Nam.Đăng Thục Nguyễn - 1964 - Saigon: Khai-Trí.
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  37.  8
    Metodologicheskie i sot︠s︡ialʹno-filosofskie voprosy vzaimodeĭstvii︠a︡ nauk.N. A. Makovskiĭ - 2012 - Pi︠a︡tigorsk: V tipografii FGBOU VPO "Pi︠a︡tigorskogo gosudarstvennogo gumanitarno-tekhnologicheskogo universiteta.
    Монография доктора философских наук, профессора, почетного работника высшего профессионального образования РФ Н. А. Маковского посвящена анализу философско-методологических аспектов взаимодействия наук. В ней рассматривается специфика социально-философской концепции.
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  38.  13
    Potustoronniĭ drug: istorii︠a︡ li︠u︡bvi Lʹva Shestova i Varvary Malakhievoĭ-Mirovich v pisʹmakh i dokumentakh.N. A. Gromova - 2021 - Moskva: Redakt︠s︡ii︠a︡ Eleny Shubinoĭ.
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  39. Bhuvanakōśa. Huccaṇṇa - 2011 - Maisūru: Kuveṃpu Kannaḍa Adhyayana Saṃsthe, Maisūru Viśvavidyānilaya. Edited by Nārāyaṇa Prasād & Ke Ji.
    Classical work on Hindu cosmology by Huccaṇṇa, 16th century Kannada author.
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    Ėstetosfera khudozhestvennoĭ kulʹtury XX stoletii︠a︡.N. A. Levchenko - 1998 - Kiev: DALPU.
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  41.  5
    Ne-virtualistika: sovremennai︠a︡ filosofii︠a︡ psikhologii: materialy konferent︠s︡ii "Virtualistika - 2001". Moskva, vesenni︠a︡i︠a︡ sessii︠a︡-11 apreli︠a︡ 2001 g.N. A. Nosov - 2001 - Moskva: Gumanitariĭ.
  42. Virtualʹnai︠a︡ realʹnostʹ: filosofskie i psikhologicheskie problemy.N. A. Nosov (ed.) - 1997 - Moskva: In-t cheloveka RAN, Laboratorii︠a︡ virtualistiki.
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  43. Filosofskai︠a︡ ėstetika Vladimira Solovʹeva.N. A. Kormin - 2001 - Moskva: In-t filosofii RAN.
    ch. 1. Svi︠a︡tai︠a︡ garmonii︠a︡-- ch. 2. Ontologicheskie predposylki.
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  44.  21
    The Edicts of Asoka.N. A. Nigam & Richard Mckeon - 1961 - Journal of Philosophy 58 (20):602-603.
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  45.  51
    The computational nature of associative learning.N. A. Schmajuk & G. M. Kutlu - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (2):223-224.
    An attentional-associative model (Schmajuk et al. 1996), previously evaluated against multiple sets of classical conditioning data, is applied to causal learning. In agreement with Mitchell et al.'s suggestion, according to the model associative learning can be a conscious, controlled process. However, whereas our model correctly predicts blocking following or preceding subadditive training, the propositional approach cannot account for those results.
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  46. I︠A︡zyk kak mediator mezhdu znaniem i iskusstvom: sbornik dokladov: mezhdunarodnyĭ nauchnyĭ seminar "Problemy mezhdist︠s︡iplinarnykh issledovaniĭ khudozhestvennogo teksta".N. A. Fateeva (ed.) - 2009 - Moskva: Azbukovnik.
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  47. Itḥāf al-ṭullāb bi-sharḥ Manẓūmat al-ādāb.Āl Fawzān & Ṣāliḥ ibn Fawzān ibn ʻAbd Allāh - 2005 - al-Riyāḍ: Maktabat al-Rushd Nāshirūn. Edited by Muḥammad ibn Ḥusayn ibn Saʻīd Āl Safrān Qaḥṭānī & Muḥammad ibn ʻAbd al-Qawī Mardāwī.
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  48.  7
    Dialektika Gegeli︠a︡ v interpretat︠s︡ii Dzh. Mak-Taggarta.N. A. Antipin - 1998 - Sankt-Peterburg: Sankt-Peterburgskai︠a︡ gos. lesotekhn. akademii︠a︡. Edited by A. S. Kolesnikov.
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  49. Ontologii︠a︡ ėsteticheskogo.N. A. Kormin - 1992 - Moskva: Nauka. Edited by K. M. Dolgov.
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  50.  51
    A Multilevel Trust-based Model of Ethical Public Leadership.N. A. Mozumder - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (1):167-184.
    I develop and test a multilevel trust-based model of ethical public leadership, which links ethical leadership, trust and leadership outcomes both within and across organizational levels. I examine how both ethical leadership and trust relate to employee well-being and satisfaction, group organizational citizenship behaviour and perceived organizational performance. The findings, based on data collected from an online quantitative survey conducted in three local councils of the north east of England, provide evidence in support of positive relationships between ethical leadership and (...)
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